Private Thomas Harcourt Junkin – No 20 — NON-PERMANENT ACTIVE MILITIA OF CANADA
Thomas Harcourt was 18 years old (actually 11 days short of 16 years old), when as a single man, he was accepted on June 17, 1934 with the Non-Permanent Active Militia of Canada at Peterborough Ontario. He gave his date of birth as 1916 and was living in Lakefield; he had no previous military experience nor previous employment. At the time Thomas Harcourt was 5′ 6″ tall, weighed 118 pounds, with a 34″ chest. His next-of-kin was his mother, Mrs. T. Junkin of Lakefield Ontario. Thomas Harcourt entered the Non-Permanent Active Militia of Canada as a Private (Pte) June 17, 1934, with Service Number 20, as a member of the “C” Company, 4th Canadian Signals (Sigs) at Peterborough Ontario. November 11, 1935 Pte Junkin was transferred to the Sigs Section and on April 22, 1936 he was struck-off-strength from the Non-Permanent Active Militia.
Thomas Harcourt was 18 years old when, as a single man, he was accepted on April 24, 1939 with the Non-Permanent Active Militia of Canada at Peterborough Ontario. He stated that he was born June 28, 1918 and was living in Lakefield. Thomas Harcourt had almost two years of previous Militia experience and was unemployed. At the time he was 5′ 8″ tall, weighed 154 pounds, with a 37½” chest and his next-of-kin was his father, Mr. Thomas Junkin of Lakefield Ontario. Thomas Harcourt entered the Non-Permanent Active Militia of Canada as a Gunner (Gnr), no Service Number given, as a member of the 4th Field Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery (RCA) at Peterborough Ontario. Gnr Junkin completed a Sergeant Instructor Course, a Vicker’s Machine Gun Course and became a Signalman, 1st Class while with the 4th Field Battery, RCA. Gnr Junkin was posted as a Signaller to the Field Battery (FB) RCA on April 24, 1939. No other entries are shown on his records, however, he would have been struck-off-strength from the Non-Permanent Active Militia before August 14, 1940 in order to enlist with the Active Force.
Sapper Thomas Harcourt Junkin – C 64066 — ACTIVE SERVICE (World War II)
Thomas Harcourt Junkin was 22 years, 1 month and 17 days old when, as a single man, he was Attested in Peterborough, Ontario on August 14, 1940 with the Royal Canadian Engineers (RCE), 3rd Field Park Company, Canadian Active Service Force (CASF). Thomas Harcourt was enlisted for the duration of the War as a Sapper (Spr) and was assigned Service Number C 64066. Thomas Harcourt stated that he was born in Lakefield, Ontario on June 28, 1918; he was 5′ 9½” tall, had blue eyes and weighed 152 pounds. He had completed Grade 10 and left school at 17 years of age. Thomas Harcourt indicated that he had 3 years of previous military experience: Non-Permanent Active Militia of Canada; 1 year with the 4th Battalion Canadian Machine Gun Corps from 1934 to 1936 and 1 year with 4th Field Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery from 1939 to 1940. His previous employment was listed as a labourer. He was living at Lakefield, Ontario; his next-of-kin is listed as his mother, Annie Junkin and his father, who was disabled, is Thomas Henry Junkin; both of Lakefield Ontario. When employed, Thomas Harcourt would provide his father with $32.00 per month. Spr Junkin’s entry medical was done in Peterborough Ontario; he was considered fit for duty. On August 14, 1940 Spr. Junkin was taken-on-strength to the RCE, 3rd Field Park Company (3rd Fd Pk Coy).
On October 28, 1940 Spr Junkin was qualified as a Pioneer Group “C”. Spr Junkin had been granted permission to marry and he was married to Kathleen Mose in Peterborough on December 31, 1940. At some point before February 26, 1941 Spr Junkin was posted to Debert, Nova Scotia. On February 26, 1941 he was granted a 14-day Furlough to March 11, 1941. While on leave Spr Junkin was promoted to the rank of Acting Lance Corporal (A/L/Cpl) with pay on March 3, 1941. June 11, 1941 L/Cpl Junkin reverted to the rank of Sapper at his own request. On July 9, 1941 he was granted a Leave of Absence to July 11, 1941. Then on August 7, 1941 he was granted 5 days Special Leave to August 12, 1941.
Spr Junkin proceeded to embarkation at Halifax, Nova Scotia and was struck-off-strength from Debert and the Canadian Army (Canada) on August 23, 1941. August 24, 1941 he was taken-on-strength to Canadian Army (Overseas) on transfer. September 1, 1941 Spr Junkin was granted Trades Pay for Pioneer, Group “C” to September 30, 1941 and disembarked at Glasgow, Scotland September 2, 1941. September 12, 1941 Spr Junkin was granted 5 days Landing Leave to September 16, 1941. November 1, 1941 Spr Junkin was granted Trades Pay for Pioneer, Group “C”. On November 2, 1941 Spr Junkin, with the 3rd Fd Pk Coy, RCE United Kingdom (UK), was attached to 18th Field Company (Fd Coy), UK for duty and rations. November 9, 1941 he ceased to be attached to 18th Fd Coy, then on November 23, 1941 Spr Junkin was attached to 6th Field Company (Fd Coy), UK for duty and rations. Six days later, on November 29, 1941, he ceased to be attached to 6th Fd Coy and his next-of-kin was changed to his wife, Mrs. Kathleen Junkin of Lakefield Ontario. Spr Junkin spent about 2 years, 4 months and 2 weeks in the UK with the 3rd Fd Pk Coy, RCE. The next 6 months would have been dedicated to training and duties in the Field which are not specified in his Military Records although he did work as a cook for a while. March 25, 1942 Spr Junkin was interviewed by 3rd Fd Pk Coy, RCE staff; at this time he indicated that he was happily married and had a good home life and wished to stay in the Army Permanent Force. He indicated that he would like to become a Small Arms Instructor and was recommended for employment in the Infantry.
May 19, 1942 Spr Junkin was granted 7 days Privileged Leave to May 25, 1942; then on July 15, 1942 Spr Junkin’s Trades Pay for Pioneer, Group “C” was ceased. July 20, 1942 Spr Junkin qualified as a Motor Cyclist Class III. August 13, 1942 Spr Junkin was awarded a Good Conduct Badge, then on August 29, 1942 he was admitted to No 22 Canadian Field Ambulance (CFA) and discharged August 31, 1942; no explanation was given. September 4, 1942 Spr Junkin was attached, for all purposes (fap), to 16th Field Company, RCE and September 5, 1942 he ceased to be attached to 16th Field Company, RCE. September 15, 1942 Spr Junkin was granted 7 days Privileged Leave to September 22, 1942. On October 1, 1942 he was attached, fap, to 16th Field Company, RCE to October 15, 1942. As of November 1, 1942 Spr Junkin was qualified and granted Trades Pay for Pioneer “C”.
January 1, 1943 Spr Junkin was granted a 6-month progressive service pay of $1.50 per diem, then on January 2, 1943 Spr Junkin was attached, fap, to 16th Field Company, RCE. January 19, 1943 he ceased to be attached fap to 16th Field Company, RCE. On February 1, Spr Junkin was qualified and granted Trades Pay for Pioneer “C”. On March 25, 1943 he reverted to Regimental Rates of Pay of $1.50 per diem. March 30, 1943 Spr Junkin was attached, fap, to 6th Field Company, RCE and ceased to be attached, fap, to 6th Field Company, RCE on April 2, 1943. On September 1, 1943 Spr Junkin qualified as a Driver In-Charge, Class III (Wheeled). September 14, 1943 he was struck-off-strength to 3rd Canadian Division Bailey Bridge Platoon (3rd Cdn Div BB Pl) and on September 15, 1943 he was taken-on-strength to the 3rd Cdn Div BB Pl.
January 15, 1944 Spr Junkin was awarded the Canadian Volunteer Service Medal and Clasp. June 15, 1944 Spr Junkin embarked the UK and disembarked at France on June 17, 1944. About 8 months later, February 14, 1945, Spr Junkin was struck-off-strength to the 3rd Field Park Company (3rd Fd Pk Coy), RCE and was taken-on-strength from the 3rd Cdn Div BB Pl. His records don’t indicate where or what he was employed at during the 8 months from June 17, 1944 to February 14, 1945. March 6, 1945 Spr Junkin as a Driver Mechanic (Drv Mech), Motor Vehicle (MV) “C” and granted Trades Pay for Drv Mech, MV “C”. May 17, 1945 he was granted 11 days Privileged Leave to May 28, 1945. On July 25, 1945 Spr Junkin was struck-off-strength to 231 Canada Draft (CD), Military Depot (MD) 2 as a Drv Mech, MV “C”, Northwest Europe (NWE).
On July 28, 1945 Spr Junkin embarked NWE and disembarked UK; July 29, 1945 he was attached for all purposes to the No 9 Canadian Repatriation Depot (No 9 CRD) UK. July 30, 1945 Spr Junkin was granted 7 days Privileged Leave with Meal Allowance to August 5, 1945 and again, on August 14, 1945 Spr Junkin was granted 4 days Privileged Leave with Meal Allowance to August 17, 1945. August 18, 1945 Spr Junkin was interviewed at the No 9 CRD and there he indicated that he would like employment with Provincial Police; Municipal Police or a Fire Department. He was considered sufficiently qualified for any of these preferences. September 3, 1945 Spr Junkin ceased to be attached fap to the No 9 CRD; was struck-off-strength from the Canadian Army (Overseas); taken-on-strength to No 2 District Depot (DD) Toronto, Ontario and embarked the UK. Spr Junkin disembarked at Halifax about September 9, 1945 and reported to No 2 DD in Toronto September 10, 1945. He was granted Disembarkation Leave with Ration Allowance from September 11 to October 10, 1945. Spr Junkin was discharged from the Canadian Army, Active Force on October 18, 1945; he was paid a Clothing Allowance and a Rehabilitation Grant; on return he lived in Lakefield, Ontario.
Spr Junkin was awarded the following medals:
1939 – 45 Star;
France and Germany Star;
Defence Medal;
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal with Bar and
War Medal, 1939 – 45.
He was also awarded War Service Badge – Class “A”
Thomas Harcourt Junkin served in Canada for, 1 year, 2 months; in the United Kingdom for about 2 years and 10 months and 2 weeks and in France/Northwest Europe for 1 year 11 days plus 19 days travel time for a total of about 5 years and 2 months.
Private Thomas Harcourt Junkin – No 20 — NON-PERMANENT ACTIVE MILITIA OF CANADA
After 3 years of Militia Service and over 5 years of War Service Thomas Harcourt Junkin wanted more time in the Service so, November 6, 1961 he enrolled as a Gunner with the 50th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery Militia. Thomas Harcourt was 43 years, 4 months and 9 days old when as a married man, he was accepted in the Militia of Canada at Peterborough Ontario. He gave his birth date as June 28, 1918; was 5’ 9” tall, weighed 142 pounds, had blue eyes, brown hair and indicated that he was a machinist. Thomas Harcourt was living in Young’s Point, Ontario; he had previous military experience with the Canadian Army (Active), Royal Canadian Engineers from 1940 to 1945 and served in Canada, England and Northwest Europe. Thomas Harcourt was unemployed at the time (Unemployment Insurance No. 360 – 265) and had two daughters; Sue and Katherine. His next-of-kin was his wife, Mrs. Kathleen Junkin of Young’s Point Ontario. Thomas Harcourt indicated that he had Grade 11, trained in bookkeeping and was interested in a course. He also stated that his highest previous rank was as a Sergeant and stated that he may remain in the Militia. He entered the Militia of Canada as a Gunner (Gnr) with Service Number C 808024 as a member of the 50th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery. Gnr Junkin agreed to serve in the Canadian Army Militia [CA (M)] for period of 2 years from November 6, 1961.
Gnr Junkin enrolled in the CA (M) for 2 years and was allocated to the Royal Canadian Artillery (RCA) on November 6, 1961; his previous Service was with the CA (Active); Service Number C 64066. Also on November 6, 1961 he was classified as a Gunner Recruit; placed on Special Duty, the Special Militia Training Program (SMTP) and was authorized to draw Subsistence Allowance. December 17, 1961 Gnr Junkin ceases the SMTP and ceases to draw Subsistence Allowance. On February 17, 1962 Gnr Junkin is struck-off-strength on release from the CA (M).
Thomas Harcourt Junkin died April 7, 1974 in Peterborough, Ontario. He is interred in Hillside Cemetery, Lakefield Ontario
An excerpt from an article in McLean’s magazine by Barbara Amiel, September 1996:
The military is the single calling in the world with job specifications that include a commitment to die for your nation. What could be more honorable?
Thomas Harcourt Junkin was born June 28, 1918 at Lakefield, Ontario, he went by the nickname “Tom”. He was educated in the Lakefield Public School System from 1923 to 1935 and completed Grade 10. At 17 years of age Tom left school and went to work.
Tom worked when he could find it from 1935 until 1940; during this period he was in the Militia for 3 years. He probably worked in construction as a labourer from 1935 – 1937.
From 1937 to 1939 (18 months) Tom worked for L. C. Smith – Corona in Toronto, Ontario on an assembly line in a typewriter factory. His pay was $25.00 weekly.
From 1939 to 1940 Tom worked for the Powell Rouyn Gold Mines, Noranda, Québec for about 18 months. Tom worked as a Miner (Sampler) for about a year. His pay was $25.00 weekly.
According to his Military Records Tom enjoyed riding; writing; swimming; fishing; hunting and he played hockey & baseball.
Thomas Harcourt Junkin married Kathleen Mose December 29, 1940 and they had the following children: Judith Anne (Mrs. Boot), born March 21, 1942; Sue-Ellen (Mrs. Redpath), born December 8, 1946 and Katherine Jacqeline (Byers), born January 8, 1950. Thomas Harcourt Junkin died April 7, 1974 at the St. Joseph’s General Hospital, Peterborough Ontario at age 55 years 9 months. He is interred in Hillside Cemetery, Lakefield Ontario.
After the War Tom indicated a desire to be employed as a Civil Service worker in Peterborough as a Postman but he would take a construction – labour job or work as a truck driver. Apparently he worked at the Canada Cement Company in Lakefield for 7 years.
The following comments were provided by Sue-Ellen Redpath (Junkin); Tom’s daughter:
My Dad worked at the Canadian General Electric Company (CGE) in Peterborough in the wire and cable for several years beginning probably around the early 1950’s as I remember going to CGE picnics and Christmas parties. He worked there until the early 1960’s if my memory serves me. Also in the late fifties to early 1960’s he was caretaker of the Lakefield Post Office.
He was Active in the Lakefield Legion, Branch 77 for many years, liked to play cards, swim and fish. We did a lot of fishing in Lakefield together. He refereed many hockey games in the Lakefield arena and coached hockey and baseball.
He really loved to write poetry, had a great love of books and history.
Thomas Harcourt’s paternal grandparents were James Albert Junkin, born 1839 & Eliza Junkin; his maternal grandparents were James Montgomery & Mary Jane Armstrong. James Albert was from Fenelon Falls, he was a carpenter and lumberman.
Thomas Harcourt’s parents, Thomas Henry Junkin, born in Bobcaygeon July 1876, married Emily Anne Montgomery, born in Harvey Township April 1878, on August 28, 1903 and they lived at 2 Albert Street, Lakefield Ontario. Thomas Henry was a carpenter and he worked at the Canada Cement Company, Lakefield. They had six children: Edith Eudora, born December 8, 1903, married Charles Weir on June 12, 1924; Ruth Velma, born July 25, 1905 married Howard Hunter Wideman on April 23, 1924 in Toronto; Kenneth Delmar, born August 12, 1908 married Ethel Mildred Jones on May 23,1942; Beatrice Mae (Bea), born October 4, 1909 married Frederick J. Mortlock on May 30, 1931; Madeline June (Jackie), born 1913 married John R. Brown*; Iris Colleen (Billie), born January 20, 1916 married Robert Higgins (Bert) on July 8, 1942 and Thomas (Jr.) Harcourt, born June 28, 1918 married Katharine (Kay) Mose on December 29, 1940.
*Madeline’s first marriage was to David McCullock.
Thomas Henry Junkin was disabled, he couldn’t walk well, he died May 12, 1941 at 66 years of age; his wife Anne Montgomery died June 11, 1944 at 66 years of age — both are interred in Hillside Cemetery, Lakefield.
The 1911 Census has the Junkin family living in Lakefield at 2 Albert St.; the 1921 Census has the Junkin family living in Lakefield on Regent St. In both cases they were renting the house, in 1921 they rented a 6-room home for $10.00 monthly.
Poems written by Thomas Harcourt Junkin
The Installation of the Northern Lights “or” How Rural Can You Get.
They were sitting around in Lakefield town,
Without a call to service,
When up speaks Rod and says: “My Gosh, This waiting makes me nervous.”
“I’ll tell you chaps, I’ve got the maps
For a job that should be done;
We’ll all go forth to the frozen north,
And compete with the midnite sun”
“Now Doug and Jack, get your gangs all packed.
If you blunder now, you’ve had her,
Tell all the men we leave at ten
And don’t forget the ladders.”
Oh, you should have seen the convoy,
When the lined up the gear,
Clayt Hannah carried the banner,
And Dot brought up the rear.
Ronnie checked the stores truck
And he said to Paul Revere,
“Have you got enough extension cord
To reach from there to here?”
So Percy (Calberry) said, “Oh, mercy
If you want to know the truth;
I plan on getting my supplies
At the wine store in Maynooth.”
They drove for days straight north always
Two thousand miles or so
And cold were they as they mushed their way
Through twenty feet of snow.
The coyotes howled and the bears growled
At the face of the man in the moon,
And Sutton said to Fairman
My gosh I sure miss June
Then over the snows came the Eskimos
And they looked both mean and wicked
But fearless Bevans said, “Good heavens
I’ll sell them a Legion ticket.”
At last they came to the top of the world
Tired, hungry, sick and cold,
But they hung the first transformer
On the famous Northern Pole!
And that is why in the northern skies
The heavens look so pleasant
The hydro guys aren’t telling lies
They installed it all fluorescent!
By Tom Junkin:
Rod: Rod Rodick Clayt Hannah Paul Revere Fairman – Glen Fairman
Doug – Doug McAdam Dot Percy – Percy Calberry Bevans – Bud Bevans
Jack – Jack Kelly Ronnie Sutton – Ed & June Sutton
The Ballad of Big Bob Hill:
Sit over here, I’ll bug the fear
and I’ll tell the story true.
It’s just a tale from the Oregon Trail
but I’ll swear the Christ it’s true.
Now Big Bob Hill was on the till
and I was working on the floor.
We had a few, as waiters do,
ten or twelve or more.
Cam was there on his favourite chair
and Mr. Marv was tight.
Noisy Norm was in good form.
It was just an average night.
Freddie Coons and some other goons
complained the draft was rotten,
when thru the door, with an awful roar,
came Dangerous Dan McNaughton.
Have you ever been to the place unseen
when the proverbial pin was dropped?
The silence screams and the whole world seems
to suddenly come to a stop.
His eyes were dazed, and he looked half crazed
and his feet were out of line
He could hardly see and he looked to me
like a walking case of wine.
He cursed, he swore, he kicked the door,
and yelled with all his might,
“Set up the beers for all these queers,
the rifleman rides tonight.”
But great Big Bob was on the job,
there were no ifs or buts.
He’s fourteen stone of skin and bone
and a hundred pounds of guts.
With just one clout Bob knocked him out
and pitched him through the door
But back came Don, like a man half gone
and waded in for more.
They struggled and they juggled.
“Give it to him,” someone cried.
There was no wailing. There was flailing
till they both fell down outside.
Then Don lay still and he said to Hill,
“I swear to God the lord
When I get through with my twenty-two
You’ll look like a cribbage board.”
Now late at night, by the caution light, By Tom Junkin
near the bridge of Young’s Point
There’s a man sits there with a murderous Setting: South Beach Hotel
stare and his brain is out of joint.
From twelve to one he oils his gun Cam: Cam Moore
as he sits there all alone Marv – Marv Armstrong
What he doesn’t know, but I’m sure its so Norm – Norm Ireland
Bob takes the long way home.
Letters written by Thomas Harcourt Junkin
Canadian Legion Canadian Y.M.C.A.
War Services Inc. Overseas
Canadian The Salvation Army
Knights of Columbus Canadian
War Services War Service
Nov. ? / 44
Dear Mrs Jewell
It was a pleasant surprise to get your parcel to-day. Santa Claus sure is a great guy and he’s really appreciated over here.
I’m fit and well except for a “ring-tail-snorter” of a cold and I have high hopes of being home by spring time. Might even get there in time to try out my skates again, anyhow I hope so.
We’ve had lots & lots of rain here & a little hail but no snow yet. Everything’s pretty muddy like the stories about the last war and I’ve learned how to swear like Red Dick Hill.
I think Lakefield will be pretty strange to me now. A lot has happened since the old days and the past is hard to remember, like when you wake up in the morning and try to remember last night’s dream, and it seems to much to hope for to live again, away from the enemy out of the army and at home.
But I can easily remember the parlour “up at Jewells”. That great big chair by the radio with Homer in it, with his hair like Macs & his feet on the woodwork. I can remember too, the toast & preserved fruit, but it seems like a hundred years ago.
I won 300 cigarettes to-day. There was a regiment contest with 3 prizes, each 100 cigarettes, for writing the best slogans to put on road signs for safety rules. I handed in eight entries and won the three prizes. There’s a lot of things I’m dumb about, but in the few things which I’m good at, I make pay.
The day is almost done & its time to eat, and thanks to your parcel, it won’t be bully beef again.
So long for now, Merry Xmas & all the best in the coming New Year.
As Always
Tommy Junkin
Sept 1944
C64066 Spr Junkin T.H.
3rd Div. Bridge Pet: R.C.E
B.W.E.F. C.A.O.
Dear Hommer
It’s a hot afternoon, it sounds like it’s a lot hotter a couple of miles up the road. I’m laying beside a slit trench supposed to be resting. Thats one thing in the army I excel in. If resting could win this war I bet I could be home for the dance next Thurs. night, and after a couple or three months over here even that would be a treat.
I’m still learning a motorcycle and as lights aren’t in fashion over here and the war don’t work on eight hour shifts I figure I’m at least as busy as Herb Brown’s hot dog booth on fair day, but they tell me its going to be over in six or eight weeks & after all thats only 1300 hrs or so. Anyway I’ve seen everything & I’m ready for some sensible civy life – about 100 years of it. I talked to a German prisoner one day this week. You’d have liked him, he was an old salt sailor & had been through Canada’s great Lakes. We traded a cigarette and got along pretty well but its hard to like a Jerry when there’s a bunch of dead Canadians laying around. And to think I use to be afraid of Pat Calledines high shots.
They say Lakefield has changed a lot since 41 and maybe I’ll see a big difference, but anyway I’m sure anxious to have a look around town and do some business at the rinks – if it happens to be in the winter. Does Maud still come to watch?
Its beginning to get unhealthy laying here chum & I didn’t dig this hole for fun, (its not really as bad as it sounds Hommer – I’m just careful thats all). So, so long for now, write when you can. Say Hello to all the family for me & write when you can. – pardon the double talk.
As always
Your Pal
Thomas Junkin Victor is remembered and honoured on a framed document that hangs in St. John the Baptist Anglican Church in Lakefield Ontario.